Monday, March 28, 2016

Last Day in Austin

Sunday, March 20, was my last official day in Austin, Texas.  Thanks to my friend Belinda Hare, I spent it with some of the great people that I've met there.

The occasion was a memorial service for Mr. Henry B.Gonzalez.  The location was the Zilker Club House, a beautiful setting with a spectacular view of the city.

 Henry's wife, Leea brought mementos to decorate the space.  Here she is holding a wooden figure that a student at the School for the Deaf carved for Henry. Henry gave so much to so many in Austin, including students at the school.  There were also pictures, candles, statues, and flowers of all kinds, all with special meaning to the family.

Eddie Wilson, owner of the old Armadillo World Headquarters, and now Threadgill's, welcomed the guests. Kerry Awn gave a eulogy that made everyone laugh and cry, sometimes simultaneously.

Henry was with us.  I'm sure he loved the celebration of his life.
The Austin Chronicle ran a  nice piece about Henry.  From it I learned that he was part of the crew for most of the big music shows in the 70s. He was working for Stevie Ray Vaughn on that final tour and was tasked with driving the gear back to Austin. He's quoted as saying, "I was driving the van with Stevie's guitar across the country and on every radio station they were playing his music. I couldn't stop crying,"

Portrait of Henry by Kerry Awn.

Henry had a heart of gold, and played a huge part in making Austin the city we all love.  I'm honored that on my last day there I got to experience part of his legacy.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Colorado River Refuge

I left Urania on March 21, thinking I'd get everything together and be back in a couple of weeks.  But this move has been much harder, both physically and mentally, than I ever imagined.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's been necessary to break up the work with lots of R and R.

Davis pauses a moment to decide where to sniff first.
So yesterday Davis and I took a long walk at the Colorado River Refuge.  This wonderful place is only a mile from our house.  It's privately owned, but free and opened to the public.

A ladybug's heinie.

Davis checks his P-mail

Beautiful Rain Lillies

The Baby Blue Eyes are everywhere.
 As I was taking this picture, I could hear a Barred Owl calling "Who cooks for you?  Who cooks for you all?"
Spiderwort cliffs

Now THAT'S a burl!
A nice spot to sit and listen to the birds and the river.

Davis takes a dip.

Wheelchair accessible picnic site.  There is a long concrete "trail" leading to this spot.  

Quesadilla Cliffs

These are the only other humans we saw on our walk.

A tired, dirty, happy dog.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Life After Austin

I moved to Austin August 12, 1998.  At that time, I thought I'd never leave there....that I was there for the duration.  But now, eighteen years later, I no longer have an Austin address.

I changed, and Austin changed.  And, sad to say, we didn't change in the same direction.  So now, on to the next chapter.

The worst thing about leaving Austin is leaving the many friends I have made there.  I've created this blog, so that if anyone wonders what I'm up to, you can find out by checking here.

Here's the little brown house in the woods where I'll be living part time.

Davis has a great place to run.  Here are a few pictures from our walk on Saturday, March 12.

Tahitian Village Mosquito Breeders Association site.

There really are fire hydrants in Tahitian Village, Toni Herbert.

Caution! Children!

Davis checks out the garden.

I am Iron Man.

Time to relax in the back yard.

Sunday, March 13, at Sherwood Forest Faire we saw a great fire show.

And Donna got up close and personal with a falcon.

St. Paddy's Day walk, March 17.  Not shamrocks, but Evening Primroses.

Davis on the hunt.

Baby grapes.

The Spiderworts are beautiful this year.

We're going to have lots of berries.  The blooms are the biggest I've ever seen.

Back at home, Kolton and Destructor are taking it easy.

Stay tuned for more great adventures.