Saturday, March 19, 2016

Colorado River Refuge

I left Urania on March 21, thinking I'd get everything together and be back in a couple of weeks.  But this move has been much harder, both physically and mentally, than I ever imagined.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it's been necessary to break up the work with lots of R and R.

Davis pauses a moment to decide where to sniff first.
So yesterday Davis and I took a long walk at the Colorado River Refuge.  This wonderful place is only a mile from our house.  It's privately owned, but free and opened to the public.

A ladybug's heinie.

Davis checks his P-mail

Beautiful Rain Lillies

The Baby Blue Eyes are everywhere.
 As I was taking this picture, I could hear a Barred Owl calling "Who cooks for you?  Who cooks for you all?"
Spiderwort cliffs

Now THAT'S a burl!
A nice spot to sit and listen to the birds and the river.

Davis takes a dip.

Wheelchair accessible picnic site.  There is a long concrete "trail" leading to this spot.  

Quesadilla Cliffs

These are the only other humans we saw on our walk.

A tired, dirty, happy dog.

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to walk with you. I've not been to this place, but I will go soon.
