Sunday, May 22, 2016

A Little Trip Back to Austin

Earlier this month I went back to Texas for a couple of weeks.  Here are a few pictures from the trip.

On April 30, I attended Eeyore's Birthday Party, my favorite event of the year.  This year I went with my friend Dancing Diana Winer, who just finished a year-long trip around the world.

Ancel helped me with my costume.  He gave me a shield so I could be a super hero.
Taking a selfie with this dude has become a tradition.
The Lion of Judah - Selah

   Diana finds a dancing partner.

I found a dancing partner too.  This is Ann.  We had a large time.
Another day I went to visit my friend Donna Barber and took these pictures in her lovely yard.

One Sunday afternoon, Diana gave a presentation to about 30 people telling about all her adventures. You can read about them in her blog, Community Nomad.  She also had silk scarves and saris from India for sale. 
A highlight of the trip was attending a political fundraiser for Representative Celia Israel with friend Belinda Hair, were they had  this Trump pinata.
I had the perfect Mother's Day.  I woke up to the best gift I could have possibly gotten, and empty house.  I totally enjoyed a peaceful day, and then Cole, Roseanna and Asa took me to dinner in Smithville. 

Another day, Asa and I took Davis for a walk.   There are also some random pictures from Cole's house.

A pretty arrangement that Roseanna brought back
from an event.


 Only one bad thing about living so close to the river...killer mosquitoes.   These suckers are aggressive and will continue to attack, even as you're swatting at them.

This is Camo, Ancel's chameleon.  I didn't think a lizard would be so interesting to watch, but I found myself doing just that for long periods of time.  You can see here some crickets that were too big for him to eat.  

Here's Ancel playing Legos in his room at his mom's house.

So long till next time.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely thoughts, as always. I have similarly lovely memories of our walk to the river and just sitting and talking. I can't wait for your next visit, but I love that we can visit with the blogs and email. You rest my soul, T.
