Monday, April 11, 2016

Some Louisiana Flora and Fauna

Tiny white Viola
When I lived here as a child, I didn't notice the spring flowers, and since I lived in Texas all of my adult life, I thought the only wildflowers were over there.

But even though they are not as showy as in Texas, there are still plenty of wildflowers in Louisiana this time of year.  Here are just a few of them.  I've tried to correctly identify them, but I'm not sure.  Please correct me if I have some wrong.

Lyre leaf Sage
Blue-eyed Grass

Red Clover

Verbena  (I wish my camera could capture the true color of this flower.  I'ts actually a very deep wine color0

Indian Strawberry


This picture of our peach tree with wisteria in the background was taken a couple of weeks ago.
We have baby peaches now.

The king of crawdad holes
Here are pictures of a pair of wrens who had a nest with three baby birds on our back porch.

Mom and I were enjoying watching them feed their babies, but a couple of days ago, I found the mangled remains of one of them in the backyard. 
I suspect that Pancake was the murderer.  We don't know what happened to the other parent, but, sadly, the babies didn't make it.

How can cats be so cute and cuddly, and at the same time so evil?

The couple in happier times

1 comment:

  1. The cat conundrum is one I am still struggling with. I want a cat so badly, but I have to make it safe for the cats and the birds. Thank you for sharing all those lovely wildflowers. I took them for granted for so many years. Now I cherish all the wonders that spring up in my yard. The bluebonnets are starting to go to seed now. Tiny little forget-me-nots popped up a while back. Now I'm looking at yellow dandelions--and liking them. :)
