Friday, April 1, 2016

Trip to Urania

So finally the day I'd been preparing for (and dreading) arrived.  March 21, one whole month after I'd left my Mom's house to come back to Austin to start packing and move, I was finally ready.

I loaded Davis and the two cats, Pancake and Koko Taylor, into the car and we headed out.

As expected, the cats were not happy in the least.  I have a video that I hope to post soon of the pitiful meows issuing from the confines of their pet taxis, but am having technical difficulties with that.  Koko gave up after an hour of solid crying, but, as expected, Pancake continued on for half the trip, meaning over three and a half hours.  Even after that she would occasionally tune up again, I'm sure thinking, "Maybe she didn't hear me before.  I must attempt to draw her attention one more time."

We stopped at the state line for a little break, where Davis posed with the state line marker.

The rest of the trip was uneventful.   Due to the recent flooding, I did see water covering areas where I'd never seen water before.  In one place, between Clarence and Winnfield, the water was still over the highway, but not very deep, you could easily drive through it.

The only unusual thing I saw was this piece of machinery that I got behind in Clarence.  I've never seen anything else like it.  The tires were nearly as tall as my car.

So the trip I'd been dreading wasn't so bad after all.  Eight hours after leaving Austin, we knew we were home when we saw the Urania smokestack.

1 comment:

  1. So glad that your trip was uneventful, sorry the cats were uncomfortable. You didn't mention any barf, so that has to count for a good trip. I have located Urania on the map now and see how it stands in relation to my old haunts in LA. Planning a new route . . .
