Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why Blog?

I've asked myself that, and you're probably wondering too.  Why blog, when my life is not very eventful?  It's not like I'm traveling around the world and having all kinds of adventures like my friend, Diana Winer.  Her Community Nomad travel blog is full of fascinating experiences and beautiful pictures.

I don't have anything insightful to say about Ethical Culture or current events, like my friend Carolyn Parker does in her Happy Human Hoedown.  Carolyn has a way of digging down into a subject and finding details that I wish I could have thought of myself.

And I certainly could never match the wisdom Dr. Angela Black imparts in her Vipassana Momma.  Angela's mom, Gaynell Gallo, and I have been friends for fifty years now.  Angela is a pediatrician and the mother of two daughters, one of whom is a special needs child.  Even with her busy life, she manages to post to her blog some beautiful and inspiring thoughts.

So why did I  start this blog?  The idea came to me when I was out walking with Davis.  I saw things that I wanted to share, but now I'm living apart from most of my friends.  Of course there's always Facebook, but there are lots of people I care about who are not Facebook junkies like me.  So this just seemed like a good way to stay connected.

I've been taking pictures of the flora and fauna here in the Piney Woods, which I'll be sharing soon. Meanwhile, here are some pictures I took the other day when I went with Mom to her dental appointment. These whimsical animals covered the walls of his kids' waiting room.   I didn't make note of the artist's name, but will do so when we go back.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.


  1. And we're so glad you are! (blogging)

  2. Oh, yes, so glad that you are sending us these special dispatches from your new life. This is a wonderful way to see what you are up to and to see the world with your magical eyes. Oh how I've been missing you!
